Tag Archives: groin pain

Doctor Stephen Ferguson- I am so grateful that my stomach discomfort and groin pain disappeared completely- live blood analysis

I came to see Doctor Stephen Ferguson at the Natural Health Clinic after suffering from high blood sugar and hypertension for a long time now.  I also suffered from groin pain, a tingling feeling in my stomach and eczema.  I heard about Doctor Stephen Ferguson by chance one day on the radio and I thought this is the right man for me to solve my health problems.  I booked an appointment and two weeks down the line came in for a consultation at the Natural Health Clinic.


Doctor Stephen Ferguson did a full body MOT and a live blood test.  I saw my blood live on screen for the first time in my life!  It was fascinating but the results were not very good.  Doctor Stephen Ferguson took the time to explain to me what my blood was telling me about my health.  My blood pressure was high and so was my blood sugar level when it was tested.  I also told him about my groin pain and skin problem.

I was put on an eight week health plan.  My diet had to change from what it was at the moment.  I take some natural vitamins, a blood cleanser, a non-drying shower gel and vitamin skin cream to apply on my body twice a day.  He put an exercise plan to get her which he showed me how to do at the clinic and advised to continue at home on a daily basis.

Half way through the health programme, I started to feel an improvement.  I had more energy, my exercises started to get stronger because of the energy I had.  My diabetes and high blood pressure went down and remains normal and I’m only seven weeks into the programme!  My groin pain and tingling stomach discomfort has totally disappeared.  My skin looks conditioned and it feels healthier.

I also went back to my GP who reduced my diabetic and blood pressure drugs.  He was very surprised with my health and encouraged me to keep healthy.  I lost a stone in weight in 4 weeks and feel lighter on my feet.  Overall, Doctor Stephen Ferguson’s natural health regime worked so well on me and I am so pleased with the results.  I recommend him to relatives and top up on my health supplements just to keep up with the natural way to health and well being.